A farmer, a fox and an unlikely friendship made the perfect recipe for business success.
A landmark business begins

The exceptional story of how Ulster Linen began…
John Sloan’s father was a farmer in Ireland who had five sons. And on that farm one day an event changed the families’ path of history – a fox hunt.
As in most hunts, and this hunt was no exception, farm land, fences, and crops were par for the course and consequently damaged in the process.
John Sloan’s father took exception to this folly and caught the Master of the hunt’s horse and dismounted him. Because of this action one would think there must have been a bit of a tussle. Consequently, the next day in a conciliatory gesture, the Master of the hunt returned to apologize for the damage caused by this folly, and as was the custom he presented a pup as a gift. So they talked and must have become somewhat friendly. As a result, the Master presented John Sloan’s father with a further gesture of friendship- recognizing that the farm could not sustain enough work for all the sons, the Master offered a position for one of the five sons to study in the school for European linen weavers. John Sloan was the one to take up this offer and from there on he worked hard to develop a successful weaving business.
Ulster Linen’s Roots

Ulster Linen’s roots go back to an Irish mill called The Ulster Weaving Co., Ltd. And it was here, John Sloan Larmor started the Irish Mill over 150 years ago as a small weaving division of the Ulster Spinning Co., Ltd.
William Hogg Larmor was the youngest son of John Sloan Larmor. And because of his youth he came to the United States and started the present New York company in 1933 focusing on European linen fabric and finished products. Ulster Linen continues to carry the finest linen products and fabric, and specializes in all weights and widths of linen- including 120” wide width linen.
The William Hogg Official Seal

William Hogg was a venerable person in the linen business in the 18th century. Because of his rank William’s duties were to check the quality of all brown (what is referred to today as natural) linen and make sure it met with his high standards. Once he confirmed a linen as top quality, it was entitled to bear the official William Hogg seal of quality. An interesting side note, William Hogg was the inspiration for the name of John Sloan’s youngest son, William Hogg Larmor.
Product so pure you can feel the difference
Ulster Linen maintains that level of quality today. Because of Ulster Linen’s quality, their products have become the standard interior designers and fashion designers require. This is especially true when designers require a specific type of linen for their projects. Ulster Linen’s superb European linen can transform into luxurious draperies or the latest fashions on the runway at Fashion Week.
Ulster Linen fabric has many other important uses as well. American Artistry has it woven into it’s seams, as the canvas of many famous paintings, and you will even find it on the interior of some violins.
From Upholstery linen to Scrim linen and everything in between, Ulster Linen’s product never ceases to surpass your expectation of quality and luxury.
The future of Ulster Linen
The family legacy continues. Ulster Linen remains a family business to this day. With (father) Dever Larmor, (son) Joseph Larmor and (son’s wife) Trisha Larmor at the helm they continue to teach about the tradition and this incredible product. That incredible product is European linen and they pride themselves on providing a superior product to their clients in the United States.
When it pertains to Irish Linen, Belgian Linen and Western European Linen, you will find Ulster Linen at the forefront. Ulster Linen prides itself on having the largest selection of fine linen stocked in the United States. In stock means that your product can be rushed to you often next day shipping. No need to wait for items to arrive from Europe.
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